Welcome to the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association (SC/TA)

Synonymous with quality education for more than 60 years, the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association vigorously strives to effectively represent the interests of its members, and ultimately the interests of the students they serve. Our teacher membership is currently above 85 percent.

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SC/TA negotiations raise questions already

Disturbing language at this year’s first bargaining session

Barry Dubin 0 Comments

Beginning versus senior teacher pay, and professional development time, are two topics of

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SC/TA members come through for ESE changes

SCTA 0 Comments

Congrats to the SC/TA members who helped update descriptions for exceptional student education (ESE)

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Keep partisan politics out of the Sarasota County School Board

SCTA 0 Comments

A proposed resolution threatens to resume partisan politics on the Sarasota County School Board. The SC/TA says

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Pursuing consensus

Let’s get the collaborative model right the first time

SCTA 0 Comments

Why scare our staff unnecessarily, only to have the superintendent intervene and fix it retroactively? Let’s get it right the first

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SC/TA President Rex Ingerick in front of Embracing Our Differences exhibit on the Sarasota Bayfront, and Sarasota County Schools Superintendent Terry Connor.

Proud to support Embracing Our Differences

SCTA 0 Comments

"We're proud that the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association is among community supporters of Embracing Our

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We Are Better Than This

Dubin to teachers and staff: don’t make yourselves part of Ziegler controversy

SCTA 0 Comments

Last evening, the School Board voted to ask board member Bridget Ziegler to resign her seat on the Sarasota County School Board. The motion passed 4 to

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Rare positive step by the Florida Legislature: proposed equity in raises among teacher groups

Barry Dubin 0 Comments

After completely trashing the job protections and compensation schedules of Florida’s teachers over a decade ago, the Florida Legislature is now considering returning some flexibility to local districts and their unions. This proposed move would do much to remedy the inequities between different groups of teachers. The Florida Legislature banned teachers hired after 2011 from

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tentative settlement reached by Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association

Tentative settlement means raises likely before winter break

Barry Dubin 0 Comments

The two sides reached agreement on a salary settlement for this year’s contract. The settlement will assure that Sarasota County teachers remain the highest paid in the State of Florida, as well as keeping up with inflation (3.2% this year). The proposed settlement calls for a 2% one-time supplement to

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History of the Fund Balance in Sarasota County Schools collective bargaining

Getting on the same accurate page about the fund balance and pay negotiations

Barry Dubin 0 Comments

Last week’s bargaining session was almost surreal. The district’s chief financial officer (CFO) Bonnie Penner, a relative newcomer to the district, told us how the district has never used its fund balance in negotiations before. This is a key issue to us as the district has a rather large unassigned

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Off to a Bad Start

Bargaining starts off on bad foot

Barry Dubin 0 Comments

I had high hopes that under new leadership, our district could avoid this yearly game of management coming in and crying poor, leaving us to spend months hammering out a decent salary increase, while employees wait to receive the yearly cost-of-living raise they have rightly earned.... But unfortunately, management's behavior at Monday’s session does not demonstrate a similar serious desire on their

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collective bargaining

Goal for bargaining is across-the-board raise in time for winter break

Barry Dubin 0 Comments

An across-the-board pay raise for Sarasota County Schools employees is the goal, despite a state system that devotes more money disproportionately to new teachers, and

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SC/TA, district team up on new teacher prep

SCTA 0 Comments

Tools to manage classrooms and collaborate with others, and skills and ideas that support new teachers’ success, were among the main elements of this year’s Foundations Academy. This program is held each year by the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association in collaboration with Sarasota County Schools. The county’s new teachers learned the

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“FAILED:” civil discourse at Sarasota County School Board meetings

League of Women Voters 0 Comments

The League of Women Voters of Sarasota County, and of Florida, speak out against the personal attacks allowed by the Sarasota County School Board during public comments against its one non-conservative

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Picture of people moving through a school hallway, column by Curtis Lavarello

Letter to Sarasota County School Board Members: “Each of you will have responsibility.”

Curtis Lavarello 0 Comments

Too many essential questions remain unanswered to allow parent drops direct into classrooms, says a national school safety expert. Curtis Lavarello pleads with the Sarasotas County School Board to "apply the

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Stand up for serving students, not politics

Rex Ingerick 0 Comments

Make your voices heard in support of focusing on student achievement and students' needs, not politics. Email your School Board

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alt="balloons and party favors around A Settlement"

Settlement provides salary increase for all teachers, higher minimum pay, and more

SCTA 0 Comments

The School Board of Sarasota County and the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association are happy to announce a tentative agreement on a labor contract that will cover the approximately 5,200 employees of the School District. This agreement covers the 2021-22 school year. Teachers will receive an additional 5.25% increase on their 2021-22

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